10 Most Suggestive Cacti On Earth
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Labels: Cactus, Environment, India, plants, Soup, Species, wall Papers 0 commentsToday, we’d like to take a look at a plant that is especially close to our, er, hearts – the cactus! The following pictures will prove that this prickly green friend can be quite a source of amusement.
First, let us introduce the species with a little help from Wikipedia “Cacti are distinctive and unusual plants (you bet), which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments (absolutely), showing a wide range of anatomical and physiological features (ah-huh, we’re listening) which conserve water. Their stems have adapted to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have become the spines
This red cactus is apparently common in Yucatan and even said to have, er, enhancing properties if boiled and eaten as a soup. Right…
he next specimen belongs to the Cephalocereus gaumeri species and is often referred to as “old man” cactus, because of the white wool on top looking like long white hairs – not what you’re thinking. The limp things hanging down from the cactus fruits are flower remains. Maybe it’s not a cactus man after all?
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