Teen Girl's First Bra!

Sunday, September 6, 2009 0 comments

A teen girl’s first bra is not only an article of clothing, but it is a
long-awaited symbol of her impending maturity,
of reaching a new stage in her life as well as her
physical development. All teenagers can be sensitive
about their body image, and choosing the right
first bra is an important step in fostering a healthy
self image and confidence for a young woman. Teen Girl's First Bra

When to Buy a Teen Girl’s First Bra

There is no single time when a girl should buy her first bra,

but generally as a she begins to develop breast

buds she grows more self conscious about her appearance,

and the monumental shopping trip may divert her attention

from disconcerting changes in body and allow her

to focus on the much anticipated act of growing up.

Beginning bras are called many things, including training bras,

starter bras, and bralets, but if the girl is sufficiently developed,

her first bra may be a small adult size instead. Most girls will

begin to wear bras between the ages of 11 and 13, and even

if she has not begun to develop, a young teen may want to

buy her first bra to coincide with her friends and peer group,

particularly if she is involved in physical education classes

or sports activities and is aware that other girls are

wearing bras. Even if the changes in her body are minimal,

a teen girl’s first bra still symbolizes the fact that she is

growing up and gives her confidence that she will

develop into an attractive woman.

Proper Bra Sizing for Teens

Because bra tissue can be tender and delicate while

it is growing, proper sizing is crucial for a teen girl’s first bra.

This is an excellent opportunity to teach a young girl how

to choose the correct size so that she does not spend the

rest of her life believing that bras must be restrictive,

uncomfortable garments. Many parents enlist the help

of a professional lingerie consultant to explain sizing to

the girl and let her be more involved in the experience

rather than trusting her parents’ judgment. Most

department stores and lingerie boutiques thoroughly train

their employees about proper bra sizing and they are happy

to assist teens in finding the right size.

The amount of support in a teen’s bra is less crucial than for adults,

since the first bra is more likely to support her psychologically

than physically. Nevertheless, some young girls are large

enough to require adult sizes, and many parents opt for

sizes that are slightly loose so they can be adjusted as the girl matures.

Popular Teen Bra Styles

A teen girl’s first bra should be versatile and comfortable,

but it does not need to be a plain white, featureless

garment. Because it is a momentous purchase,

many girls prefer attractive colors, a bit of lace,

or other distinctive features that coincide with

their individuality. Sexy bras and exotic garments

are not generally appropriate for a teenager, but fun,

flirty styles are always popular. Underwire styles are

available in smaller sizes if the girl finds them

more comfortable, and a sports bra is a good

investment since she will undoubtedly be involved

in gym classes and other activities where the extra

support is welcome.

A right fit bra is the one from which your breasts do not spill
from any side. Your breasts should completely fill the cups. If there is space, then reduce the cup size.

Use our Bra-Size Calculator to find out the correct size.

To make the purchase memorable, many teenage girls

choose matching bra and panty sets that will make

them feel stylish and attractive. Parents may also

present such a set as a gift to commemorate their daughter’s

new status as young woman.

Shopping Together for a Teen Girl’s First Bra

The initial shopping trip to purchase a first bra may

be celebrated as a special occasion, particularly

between mother and daughter. This is a

once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to share the mystery

of womanhood, and many women use the occasion

to discuss other feminine issues such as

menstruation, dating, personal hygiene, and sex as

well as more prosaic issues associated with bras

and lingerie. Some teenage girls, however, may prefer

to shop by themselves, relying on the advice of

experienced salespeople for this first adult purchase.

If that is the case, parents should set clear guidelines

about the type of garment their daughter may choose,

but they should allow her to take this growing-up step

in whatever way she is most comfortable.

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