Nano Car

Sunday, September 6, 2009 0 comments

From my point of view their is
nothing spacial in this car.
Company said that this car cost
will be 1 lakh but wait go to show room
and ask about its own road price it will
be more than 1 lakh 65 thousand depends
on car model and place. Tyres are too
small same like scooter tyre & in
Indian roads ditches are more biger
then this type of tyres, engine power is
around 625 cc not in Bhp so you cant go
for a long drive, Their is no escape chance
from this car in heavy accidents.
Cars Highlight its owner status that is why
a famous person buy high cost car not for
the car facalaties because they have to show
others their status .Why M S Dhoni buy a Hummer
he can buy M-Hawk they have the same power
and facalities because of M-Hawk low price.
Low price means lower status that is why
he buy hummer worth 1 crore .And in every
human we will find this nature it is natural.
Nano is one of the world lowest price car.
People can buy a high price bike but few can
buy this car. CAN YOU BUY THIS CAR

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