Sania Mirza Engagement and Arrests

Saturday, July 11, 2009 0 comments

Indian tennis player Sania Mirza, who is ranked 85th in the world, hasn’t had much luck lately.
According to, on two separate occasions, men have turned up at her house and confessed their love for her and have subsequently been arrested.
Sania, who is reported to be getting engaged on Friday to a family friend, has now had security at her bungalow in the upmarket Banjara Hills area of Hyderabad, tightened to stop it happening again.
The first incident was on Wednesday and the second was yesterday.
A guy called Mohammed Ashraf was arrested Wednesday, after he threatened to kill himself if Sania didn’t marry him. The other man Ajay Singh Yadav was also arrested after telling Sania he had loved her for five years and wanted to marry her.

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