Chiranjeevi arrested in Hyderabad

Saturday, July 18, 2009 0 comments

Chiranjeevi, the president of the Praja Rajyam Party was arrested by the Secunderabad Police on Thursday. This was following a protest which he had staged against the soaring prices of essential commodities. The dharna had taken on a violent turn when the former actor and political leader caused inconvenience to the general public by obstructing the traffic for nearly an hour or so at the Sardar Road which is always teeming with people and vehicles.

The PRP workers including T. Devender Goud, K. Venkat Rao and others started their dharna just outside the office of the Chief Rationing Officer at around 10.30 a.m. The dharna saw the leaders wearign garlands made of vegetables insead of flowers. The leader of the party Chiranjeevi joined them later by around 11:30 am.

The dharna turned unruly and the police had to resort to lathi charge when many of the eminent party workers suffered injuries and had to be rushed to the hospital for mediacl help.

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